At Shekar Eye Hospital, we offer effective treatments for itchy eyes. Our experienced team of eye specialists provides comprehensive care to diagnose and address the underlying causes of itchy eyes. With advanced treatment options and personalized care, we aim to alleviate your discomfort and restore your eye health. Trust Shekar Eye Hospital for professional and compassionate itchy eye treatment, ensuring optimal results and relief for your eyes.
Itching and rubbing of the eyes is a common problem presented to eye specialists. This complaint at times may be very severe affecting the routine life activities as well. This is due to condition called allergic conjunctivitis.
Who is most susceptible?
Allergic conjunctivitis is a disease entity commonly seen in young children and adults. This is more commonly seen in boys in the age group of 12-16 years. Conjunctiva is the membrane that lines the eyelid and white portion of the eyes. This contains a large number of cells from the immune system which release chemicals in response to a variety of stimuli such as air, pollens, dust etc. These chemicals cause immediate and late effects such as itching, redness, formation of papillae inside the eyes.
This allergic conjunctivitis may be seasonal, affecting more in spring and early summer and sometimes once a year. Mainly aggravated by exposure to dry and windy climates. Another type of allergic conjunctivitis is vernal type seen in young adults with eczema, asthma or other allergic conditions. Giant papillary conjunctivitis occurs in contact lens wearers and presents with similar complaints.
Symptoms of Allergic Conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis typically starts with intense itching, burning sensations, and foreign body sensations in the eyes. Eyes may become red and swollen. Sometimes may have watery discharge from the eyes. In severe form, ulcers may develop in the eyes and this is a severe form of allergic conjunctivitis. Patients may have associated allergic symptoms such as runny nose, and skin allergy.
Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are generally mild to moderate. Measurements like cold compression and using topical lubricants may help flush out allergens and thus reduce symptoms. In some cases, symptoms may be severe. Severe rubbing of the eyes may sometimes lead to a change in curvature of the cornea leading to a condition called keratoconus.
Treatment for itchy eyes
The primary goal of treatment is to avoid allergens, promote general hygiene, change of environment to avoid allergens, treatment of systemic allergic problems. Many treatment options are available for allergic conjunctivitis. Anti-histamine eye drops are effective but cannot be used for long term due to rebound redness.
Other class of eye drops are vasoconstrictors and mast cell stabilizers which are fast acting and can be used for long term. In severe cases, steroid eye drops are used. This is to be used under supervision as prolonged usage may cause cataract, glaucoma and other side effects.
In severe cases, immune modulators are also used and many advances are in this category of treatment.
Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis involves mainly avoidance of allergens along with using eye drops. At times it may be so severe that patient may even change the place of living for the recovery from allergy. Judicious use of eye drops is must or else may lead to many complications because of over usage of eye drops.