In a world where screens dominate our lives, eye health has become a concern for many. Shekar Eye Hospital brings you insightful guidance on improving your vision and fortifying your eye muscles through simple exercises.
10 Healthy Tips for Eyes" is your indispensable manual for overcoming the damaging effects of prolonged screen time and environmental pollutants on your vision in today's fast-paced world. Sustaining eye health is essential for having good eyesight and feeling well generally.
Vision is one of our most cherished senses, yet it's surrounded by numerous myths and misconceptions. At Shekar Eye Hospital, we believe in empowering our patients with accurate information. In this article, we'll debunk six common vision myths, helping you see the truth more clearly.
We've all experienced it at some point – that odd, involuntary spasm of the eyelid that comes out of nowhere. Commonly known as eye twitching, this phenomenon can range from a barely noticeable tremor to a more pronounced and persistent fluttering.