Diabetic Retinopathy & Diabetic Eye Care in Bangalore
Diabetes mellitus has emerged as a big burden in society. The disease affects almost all the organs of the body. This is a systemic disease-causing various changes in the blood vessels of the body. Diabetes can affect the eyes, and if not treated earlier, can lead to blindness. This is one of the major causes of visual impairment worldwide now.
Regular eye exams are a must for diabetic patients. Early detection and treatment of diabetic-related eye changes are vital to prevent vision-threatening complications and blindness. Prioritize your eye health to preserve your vision and effectively manage diabetes. Diabetic eye care has been one of the most important aspect of eye care since many patients are becoming blind due to diabetic eye problems.
Diabetic patients can experience various changes in the eyes, such as changes in refractive error, cataracts, iridopathy, retinopathy, macular edema, and optic neuropathy. Diabetic retinopathy is the major concern that can be prevented, but if left untreated, it can lead to blindness.
Diabetic eye care includes a complete eye examination to look for changes in the eye due to diabetes. This includes visual acuity, refraction, a lensometer, a dilated fundus examination, and an investigation to detect diabetic retinopathy.
Diabetes can cause changes in the lens of the eye leading to frequent changes in glass power and increased risk of cataracts. Diabetes can lead to notable changes in the iris, resulting in non-dilating or inadequately dilating pupils among affected individuals.

Eye Care for Diabetics
The most important point is that even in advanced cases, the disease may progress a long way without symptoms; hence, regular dilated eye examinations for people with diabetes are very important.
Diabetic eye care includes complete eye examination to look for the changes in eye due to diabetes. This includes visual acuity, refraction, lensometer, dilated fundus examination and investigation to detect diabetic retinopathy.
Diabetes can cause changes in the lens part of the eye leading to frequently change in glass power and increased risk of cataract in such patients. Diabetes is also shown to cause changes in the iris part of the eye such that these patients having non or poorly dilating pupil.
Detection and Diagnosis
Diabetic retinopathy has been graded according to the severity of the disease. In our hospital, we have retina specialists who are well-versed in treating diabetic retinopathy and give proper care and treatment.
Diabetic patients are also more at risk for developing glaucoma, a disease of the eye. Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve due to increased eye pressure.Regular monitoring of eye pressure is essential for diabetic patients.
Diabetic retinopathy patients may not have any symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. There may be frequent changes in glass power or a decrease in vision due to cataracts. Diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed on a dilated fundus evaluation. In our hospital, all diabetic patients are evaluated by the retina specialist to detect any subtle changes in the eyes.

Treatment options for diabetics
Diet, exercise, and special medication are the best ways to control diabetes. With the latest advancement in the field of medicine, vision loss due to diabetic retinopathy could be treated with laser photocoagulation.
All diabetic patients undergo a dilated examination and further investigation if needed. Various tests that can help in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic eye changes are available in our hospital.
Fundus photography is done to have a document and can be used for monitoring diabetic changes. Our hospital offers state-of-the-art optical coherence tomography (OCT) tests, ensuring high-quality diagnostic imaging for our patients.
This test can determine the amount of fluid collection in the retina, the extent of bleeding, or any other complications in the eye. This test gives a microscopic cross-section of the retinal layers of the eye. These tests are done in our hospital and used effectively for the treatment of patients.
Other tests, like fundus fluorescein angiography, are also done in our hospital. This test can detect the exact location of bleeding and leakage in the retina so that an appropriate laser can be given to prevent further complications.
Diabetic Eye care in Bangalore
Treatment of diabetic eye changes includes mainly lifestyle modifications to control diabetes and treatment for the eye. Lifestyle modifications like nutrition, exercise, and avoiding smoking help control diabetes. For eye treatment, Shekar Eye Hospital has all the treatment options such as laser treatment and surgery.
Laser treatment is done in diabetic retinopathy patients to avoid bleeding and fluid accumulation inside the eye. This laser procedure is done in daycare. This laser process is called photocoagulation. In this procedure, the patient’s eye is dilated and under a slit lamp, a few laser shots are given to the eye.
The procedure is done by a retina specialist and is usually painless. This procedure is done in 2-3 settings and repeated if required based on the extent of the disease. This procedure is useful in preventing bleeding or leakage in the eye to some extent. This is done by our retina specialist. Learn more about the treatment and its results through our YouTube videos.

Surgery may be required in some patients, depending upon the stage and other eye conditions. Injections are given in a few cases of diabetic retinopathy to prevent the progression of the disease. All these procedures are done in a daycare setting.
Diabetic Retinopathy Symptoms
In the early stages of diabetic retinopathy, bleeding and leakage of fatty deposits from the blood vessels in the retina cause the retina to swell, which can result in blurred vision. In early disease, vision might be slightly blurred, and later the symptoms may worsen. E.g.: Sometimes a patient may present with a sudden fall of vision due to bleeding into the eye or retinal detachment.
Since India is the leading country in diabetes mellitus, all diabetic patients need to go for a complete eye examination. Prevention is always better than cure. Our hospital provides complete eye care for people with diabetes. A periodic eye examination can help in detecting eye changes due to diabetes mellitus earlier and hence, can be treated to prevent blindness.
Awareness regarding eye-related complications in diabetic patients is very essential. Our hospital conducts various health programs regarding awareness of diabetic retinopathy changes. Our primary goal is to raise awareness among diabetic patients about the potential complications associated with diabetes. By promoting early detection and timely treatment, we strive to minimize the impact of these complications and improve patient outcomes.
In more advanced diabetic retinopathy, abnormal blood vessels begin to grow along the surface of the retina and out into the vitreous gel inside the eye. These new vessels are fragile and often begin to bleed, producing sudden, painless cloudy vision known as vitreous hemorrhage and further damage to the retina. New vessels also sometimes grow on the iris, blocking the normal drainage of the eye and causing increased eye pressure and eventually glaucoma.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is a disorder of the retinal blood vessels resulting from diabetes mellitus. The incidence of diabetic retinopathy increases with the duration of diabetes. About 90% of patients having diabetes for 15 years or more will have some blood vessel damage in their eyes and a percentage of these are at risk of developing blindness.

Diabetic Eye Care in Bangalore
Our hospital has a long record of operating for various diabetic retinopathy cases with good results. Diabetic retinopathy and other eye problems are challenging to treat, and our hospital has been successfully working on this. Some of the eye care tips for diabetic patients include:
- Regular and detailed eye examination for detection of eye-related complications due to diabetes.
- Control of blood sugar levels by taking appropriate treatment.
- Control of high cholesterol and blood pressure by taking appropriate treatment.
- Quit smoking.
- A healthy lifestyle with exercise and workout.
- Relaxation techniques to relieve stress, such as meditation and yoga.
Thus diabetic eye care is an important aspect of the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus and hence advised to go for a periodic detailed eye examination for all diabetic patients. This disease of the eye is preventable, if not treated earlier then can cause sight-threatening complications and lead to blindness. Our hospital can give the best treatment in diabetic eye care with empathy and expertise.