Once you have confirmed your appointment details, click on ‘Next >‘ button to go to the next step.
Call: +918035333444
Select the treatment type that you are looking for from the available option.
Once the treatment is selected click on ‘Next >‘ button, to go to the next step.
Select a Doctor for your treatment from the available option.
Once the doctor is selected click on ‘Next >‘ button, to go to the next step.
Select your desired date for appointment from available dates in the calendar.
Once you select a available date, available slots for that date will be shown in the calendar.
Choose your desired time slot from the available slots in the calendar.
Once you select a time slot, your appointment details will be shown in the box below the calendar.
The appointment details box contains information about
Once you have confirmed your appointment details, click on ‘Next >‘ button to go to the next step.
Enter the contact person details in the relevant fields.
If you want to add any additional information you can enter in ‘Additional Information’ field.
At the bottom of the form, you will see TOTAL AMOUNT of your selected appointment.
Once you have confirmed the amount, click on ‘Book Now‘ button and you will be redirected to payment page to make the payment. Click here to view our payment options.
On the checkout page, enter your billing details to whom the appointment invoice will be billed.
You can find your appointment details and its charges in ‘Your Appointment Details‘ box.
Once you have entered the correct details and confirmed appointment details, select your desired payment option from the available options.
Click on ‘Place Order‘ button to make the payment online.
Once the payment is successfully done, you will be redirected to ‘Thank You‘ page where you will find your appointment booking details.
The appointment details and invoice will also be shared to your mail id.
Want to book your appointment now? Click on below button to book now.