Be always remembered and alive
Give Happiness! Let someone experience and appreciate the creation of God through your eyes.
The Vasudeva Murthy Memorial Eye Bank works 24 hours to take eye donations. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the recovery, evaluation, preservation, and distribution of eyes donated by humanitarian-minded citizens for corneal transplantation, research and education. Our aim is to create awareness and motivate bereaved families. Call us to pledge your eyes, or donate the eyes of a recently deceased member of your family.

Call: 26586211, 26593210 | Mobile: 9108431288
Around 25 lakh people are corneally blind in India and 60% of them are below the age of 12 years. The cornea is the clear layer covering the front black portion of the eye. Cornea transplantation is a proven surgical procedure where a diseased cornea is replaced with a healthy donor’s cornea, but this is possible only when there are willing donors.
You can donate your eyes too
Eyes can be donated only after death.
Persons of any age, spectacle wearers, diabetics, and hypersensitive people can donate eyes.
Eye donation has to be made within 6 to 8 hours after death.
- Call the eye bank immediately.
- Turn off the fan above the deceased body.
- Close both eyes and place a handkerchief with ice cubes in it, on both closed eyes.
- Raise the head with pillows.
- Keep the death certificate from the doctor ready.
Eye donation is a very simple procedure and takes 15 to 20 minutes.
- After an eye donation, there will be no disfigurement as artificial life-like eyes are fitted after the removal.
- Eye donation does not delay or interfere with funeral arrangements.
- The eye bank team will recover the eyes wherever the donor is, be it a residence, hospital, mortuary or even a burial ground.
- Eye donation is confidential. The identity of the donor and the recipient will not be disclosed.
- The family will receive a letter of appreciation and a certificate from the eye bank in a few days.
- One eye donation can restore sight for two blind people.
- Any eye donation cannot be accepted. Especially if the deceased is known to have AIDS, Hepatitis, Rabies, and Syphilis.
- All religions support, approve and consider eye donation as the most supreme form of all gifts.
How to pledge your eyes?
If you witness a death try motivating the family for an eye donation, or call the Eye Bank to send a grief counsellor to motivate the family members of the deceased.
The Eye Bank can arrange a speaker free of cost to address a gathering or make a slide presentation on eye donations, at a place of your choice, or at the Eye Bank.
- Write or call the eye bank for a pledge card.
- Sign and send the pledge card, and the eye bank will send you a donor and companion form.
- Carry the donor card with you always and give the companion card to your next of kin.
- Next-of-kin consent is essential for an eye donation, even if you have pledged your eyes.
- Next-of-kin can donate the eyes of the deceased even if he has not pledged his eye.